
Saturday, July 16, 2011

plain and simple // intage shirt

(vintage shirt, Ksubi shorts, Isabel Marant sneakers)
Super simple today. I bought these sneakers at Creatures of Comforton Melrose a few months ago and they’ve become my favorite shoes to donothing types of activities in like buy ice around the corner or go tothe farmer’s market. I saw the velcro version of them on Garance’s sitelast year and was slightly intrigued by the idea (and very entertainedby the conversation they sparked), but apparently not enough to keep mefrom slightly forgetting they existed. So when I was just about to handover my card when picking up some basics and saw these at the base of amannequin nearby I did a double take and maybe slightly lunged at themin a really graceful way to try them on. I love the soft suede, thevague desert boot thing they have going on, and the more pared downlook with the laces..and of course the hidden wedge that gives me theclosest thing I’m going to get to my dream of being 5’9″ in flats.
Source:Fashion Toast

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