Saturday, July 16, 2011

Christina Aguilera Promotes Her New Fragrance

Gorgeous and curvy reality tv personality Christina Aguilera promoted her new fragrance “Royal Desire” in Munich, Germany yesterday…

I actually don’t think she looks good. I like her curvy and I don’tthink she needs to be super skinny, but I think she could benefit fromlosing a few pounds right now. Her body frame is very petite and sheisn’t holding this weight all that well in my opinion. I also think theheavy makeup and super fake hair is ageing her. She doesn’t need allthat

She looks good?….I don’t really want to say what she looks like. But,she needs to tone down the uber white hair, and the exagerated makeup,plus the fake boobs. She makes herself look terrible.
I think she looks pretty good here, her look always seems to bedramatic. I was never a huge Christina fan, but I had one of her albumswhen I was younger and kind of liked her. But then when I saw her onthe voice she really seemed to annoy me…did she bother anyone else?
Her body is banging (except for the ridiculous size of her chest onher petite frame). I think she would look better if she did not wearsuch form fitting clothes and adjusted her cup size. I am sure shelooks smaller than the average person in real life. I would love to seeher with a more “authentic” hair coloring — just not so blonde. Oh andthe make-up is on too heavy.
By the way, I am new to the blog so this is my first comment. Seems like an entertaining site =)
Honestly she just looks average to me. Nothing special about her faceor body, just well dressed with poorly done expensive makeup and hairstyling. She looks like a standard rich girl. She has not agedgracefully because it looks like she refuses to acknowledge she is nowa mother and 10 years older than her career peak.
Yes she did bother me on The Voice too. She was always talking over theother judges when they were speaking. It seems that her role on TheVoice and her looks nowadays is an attempt to show the world that sheis a cool strong and sexy woman who is comfortable with herself.However she does not fool me. Hiding behind a show and make-up is notthe way to go, but on the other hand everyone goes through difficulttimes and deals with it differently and I guess this is her way ofdoing it in the lime light.

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