Sunday, July 17, 2011

Alex is okay with losing his mind?

Let’s acknowledge that I’ve been gone forever. Yes? Now we’ll move on. (I’m sorry!)
Fact: I love Alex. My physical K-pop music collection consists ofBig Bang , Epik High and Alex. No lies. He has the most perfect voice.It’s chocolate to match his chocolate abs. MMM YEAHHHH.
This song, “미쳐보려 해도/Even If I Lose My Mind/,” is from his album“Just Like Me.” GAHHH, so pretty. The song is pure loveliness and thevideo is amazing. Jung Ryeo-won is gorgeous. I really like how thevideo contrasts the distant/quiet/walking with the close/sad/emotional.The chorus is my favorite part. The rest of the song kind of sets youup for it; it’s mellow and nice but it doesn’t say a lot by itself. Thereal passion hits you in the refrain and ugh I’m in love with it. Also,I want to steal Jung Ryeo-won’s clothes. Just so you know.
I haven’t heard the whole album yet but I’m really excited that it’sout there, waiting to be enjoyed. Have you heard it yet? Is it as goodas “My Vintage Romance”?
What’s your opinion? Even if you like the really pop-y K-pop (like Iadmittedly do), are you the type to get into this kind of music as well?

I actually haven’t heard any of Alex’s solostuff before this, but this is amazing. As a non-Korean speaker theverses are slightly dull, but gets you into a more mellow mood just intime for the punch – such an emotional chorus!
I haven’t got his album, but I might do so on the evidence of this.Plus, Clazziquai’s Mucho Punk was really good, so more points to him.
The video is unbelievably gorgeous although I have no clue what isgoing on LOL. I’ve liked seeing Jung Ryeo Won since her Epik High andGummy starring roles, she has such beautiful expressive eyes, and theamazing depth of field + pastel colours really bring that out well.
And yeah, I love poppy K-pop (mad T-ara fan here) but stuff like this is so much better on long bus rides.

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